With it being the Christmas season and all, I thought I'd do a small (as of right now, it's small) post of just a few of my favorite things that I am currently loving. Every year around this time I always seem to have new obsessions. Sometimes they carry over to the next year and sometimes they don't. It just depends I guess but I will say, this year I am really REALLY loving my list of "favorite things"! Do to recent events, I've been trying to focus on these few things to keep my spirits up, and I must say, it seems to be working! So here it goes. Enjoy!
First and foremost my favorite Band right now is:
Paper Tongues

Now, let me just say... this band is absolutely AMAZING! I discovered them on Itunes one night and have been lucky enough to see them live TWICE now!!! They are different from what's currently out there and that's why I'm so obsessed with them. They have mastered the art of fusing rock, funk, rap and soul all into one and it's incredible! If you like hearing something fresh and new, something different and fun, I HIGHLY recommend this band. "Higher", "Ride to California", "Love like you", "Soul" and "For the people" are just a few of my favorites. All these songs show how versatile they are. All their songs are excellent though. I could really go on and on and on about them but I'll stop while I'm ahead.
Next obsession:
Short hair

Now, for those of you who don't know, I have pretty long hair right now, so this is very extreme. I just have this urge to cut it all off! I LOVE these short Do's and I wish I could pull something like this off. Sadly know it's a huge shot in the dark. One I'm not sure if I'm ready for but none the less... super super cute cuts. Maybe one day?
Sweet sugarless candy:
Russel Stover Pecan Delight

These sweet sugar free candies are delicious! There are several different flavors but this one is particularly good. Being on a sugar free diet can make you crazy but these sweet snacks are just the thing to kick your craving! They can be found in any grocery store.
GAP Jeggings

I just got myself a pair of these SUPER fun SUPER comfy jeggings from the GAP. I am IN LOOOOVE with these pants and I plan on getting myself another pair. You have got to at least go try them on so you can know what I'm talking about! I promise you won't regret it!
Now onto Hair:
Goody's Spin Pin

These little pins are UNBELIEVABLE! I'm tell you... who ever thought of these is a complete genius! They work like a charm and they do exactly what they advertise which is so wonderful. I hate when you are disappointed by something you expect to work and it doesn't. Nothing makes me more mad. I use these just about everyday! They are way to much fun.
Favorite Flavors:
First, Lemon

So pretty much anything lemon I am obsessed with right now. The sent and flavor! Of course my obsession would come when lemon is not really in season. Just try and find a lemon cookie/bar right now. I dear you! I guess I'll just have to make my own then.

These days I seem to be putting Cinnamon on just about everything. My cereal, ice cream, fruit, you name it, I probably sprinkled some cinnamon on it. I was even tempted to put it on my meat that I was seasoning the other day! I know, I'm crazy but that just shows you how much I love this delicious spice! And it's good for you which makes it even better!

Very similar to Cinnamon, I seem to want to put honey on just about anything and everything. With the exception of meat. That may be crossing the line on this one. Sadly, since I'm on my "sugar free" diet, I haven't been able to use honey as much but it's still an obsession and I think this one will be one for a very long time given the fact it's been one for a very long time already.
From flavors to Food:

Hummus is probably at the top of this "favorite things" list. I mean I really can't get enough. I CRAVE this stuff!! Not only can you buy great flavors at any grocery store you can make this at home and it's super simple! If you'd like a recipe just let me know. It's such a great, healthy snack!
Next Obsession:
Gold eye shadow and berry lip shades

I absolutely love BOTH of these colors right now. Not only do they look great separately but together is even better! They compliment each other so well. I've had lots of fun pairing them this season. They both work with any skin tone (in my opinion) so have fun and play it up!
OPI Lotion

Not only do I love this lotion in general but it's this particular scent that is my favorite. Jasmine Juicie. It is to die for!!! Such a delicious scent. It smells so good and I can smell it all day which I love! I hate when scents fade so quickly. I get this lovely lotion at ULTA.
Last but not least:
Ice breakers mints

For someone who can't chew gum this is a great alternative. I ALWAYS have a thing of Ice Breakers in my purse. Always. Oh, and I hear they freshen your breath even more than gum and that works for me!
Well, I hope you have enjoyed a few of my "favorite things". I have a million more but this seems like a pretty good list for now. I may update here and there when more great things come to mind. If nothing else maybe you've found a few things you'd like to add to your Christmas wish list this year! I sure hope so cause all these things have brought something good into my life. It's the little things, right?! I hope you all have a wonderful and joyful Christmas this year!