Sunday, February 21, 2010

Loves of my Life

So it's been a while since my last post - and since I don't really have anything to blog about from the business side of things - I may have to incorporate some non-business things into the mix. I surely hope no one minds - cause I know how much you all LOVE reading about the big happenings of a business world. Anywho, I though I'd do a bit of blogging about the loves of my sweet sweet nieces and nephews. I have the most BEAUTIFUL babies in my family. I certainly have a lot to live up to. I'm looking forward to this summer when Taylor, my oldest niece is getting baptised. I can't believe she is going to be 8! It's really unbelievable. My whole family will be getting together in Alabama (where Taylor and her fam currently reside) for the blessed event. So on that note - I'd like to introduce all my followers - which there are just millions of you I'm sure - to my favorite children who I love so so SO much.

Taylor Dawn Brown

July 17th 2002

Taylor is just the most fun 7 - almost 8 year old I know. She is such a beautiful little girl.She is growing up so fast and it makes me sad. However - it has been so fun to see her grow up to be such a talented little girl. She's in the second grade this year and is loving it. She seems to be following in her daddy's footsteps with her love of drawing and music. She is such a good helper to her mommy and takes great care of her two little sisters. She's gonna be a great little mommy one day! Even though Taylor called me "mean Jessie" for the first 2 or so years of her life we have made amends. I just love her so much and have had so much fun become not only her aunt but her friend!

Braeden Ross Finnestad

February 28th 2005Braeden is just the most handsome little boy I've ever seen. He is so fun! He's turning out to be quite the athlete. Soccer and baseball are his sports of choice. When I went to visit him this last summer I got to see him play and it was adorable! He is growing up to be such a sweet little boy. He has the greatest laugh EVER! It's contagious! He is super active and loves playing outside, with his super hero's, and with his puppy Roxy. Braeden is pretty much he's all boy - through and through. I just LOVE this little man to death!!! Miss you buddy!

Skylar Lynn Brown

April 5th 2005

Skylar is the free spirited child of the bunch. She is just the prettiest little thing. She is so loving and sweet. Although she can have a temper - she will cuddle you to death. I miss her random hugs she'd give. She wouldn't even have to have a reason to, she'd just come up and give you the biggest hug ever! And Sky has got a sweet tooth .... or more like teeth. HA! She'd eat candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. She must get that from her mama! She LOVES her barbie and princess's movies and could watch them all day long. Even though she use to eat dirt and rocks as a baby she's turned out to be quite the little girly girl. I miss your hugs sky sky! I love you oh so much!

Reece Michelle Finnestad

November 9th 2oo7

Reece may or may not be the funniest kid I have ever met. That fiery red hair of hers matches her fiery personality just perfectly! She is such a HOOT! Always making everyone laugh. She will brighten your day just like that! She is the most beautiful red head I've ever seen. They say red heads will be extinct in the next 10 years or so - so that makes Reecie even more special than she already is. She loves playing with her big brother and keeps him and everyone else for that matter on their toes! She is also very loving and playful! She loves making friends and playing with them every chance she gets. Dancing, playing with her dollies and giving her mama a run for her money are among Reecies many hobbies :) I love this little girl more than she even knows!

Sophie Ann Brown

August 25th 2009

Little Sophie was the first of the grand babies I got to be around right after she was born. She even lived in the same house as me - so I got to see her all the time! It was so wonderful. She was the most darling little baby girl. So sweet and precious! I miss being able to hold her whenever I want to and cuddle her whenever I want to. She is getting so big now and as expected - such a little beauty. Just like her older sisters. She is the chunkiest little thing! I wish I could squeeze her right here right now! I love love LOVE you little Sophers and can't wait till I get to cuddle you again!

Owen James Finnestad

December 29th 2009

Owen is the last of these beloved babes of our family. I have not met this little guy get and it is heartbreaking. All I've seen so far are the darling pictures his mom sends and so far he is as precious as the rest of the little ones. He looks just like his older brother Braeden when he was a baby. He is such a beautiful little baby boy. I can't wait till I get to hold and kiss him as much as I want. And hopefully that will be very soon! Even though I haven't met you yet little Owen I love you so much!! Can't wait till I get to give you my love!! See you soon little baby!

As you can tell - I'm in love with all 6 of these darling little ones (some not so little any more). I am so excellently blessed to have them in my life. I miss them every day and can't wait till I can see them again. Here are a few more pics for your viewing pleasure. These are my favorite ones of them through the years...

More to come....

Monday, February 1, 2010

Spoke to soon

So today was an exciting day at the office. I shouldn't have made a post earlier .... oh well! A lot of people make two posts in one day, right?! haha. Well my mom went to her annual meeting with Corporate today and lets just say that things went great! I'm gonna get boring and business-ee on everyone here for a moment but we're up 19 percent in sales from last year!!!!! That is A LOT. One of the other stores in AZ (there's about 30) is up 5 percent and the other stores have either stayed the same or dropped from last year. So - naturally we are very excited for this jump in our business and 2010 is looking like it's gonna be a successful year. Something we've worked hard for.

On a semi different note.. something else happened today, something not so exciting but expected. An older gentlemen came in tonight to pick up an order his wife made over the phone. He came in and instantly I could tell from his demeanor that he was gonna be a little - shall I say - off. I greeted him, asked his name and went to get his pizza's. As I went to repeat his order to make sure we had got it , under his breath he says "she made a mistake". Instantly I thought "crap! what did I do now?" So I said " I'm sorry, did I make a mistake?". I looked at his order again and repeated it again and he says.. "no my wife made the mistake, but typical for you to get defensive... just like all women". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?! How rude of him to say!! Oohhhh k dude. Just cause you are obviously having issues with your marriage/wife do NOT lump me in with all women. Please. And thank you. I was just making sure that we did not give you the wrong pizza. I hate it when places have good customer service. It really puts a damper on things! Jeez.. Anyway, I was very angry and cussed him in my mind until he left the store. I can't believe some people sometimes. That's just one of the many interesting experiences I've had at the office. I can say though, however, that the first part of the day did in fact weigh out the the latter part. You did not ruin my day sir. You fail. Sorry to say. And until we meet again - I hope you can start chipping away at that anger you have built up there on your shoulder. Good luck to you!


So things at P murph's have been.. well boring! No new drama in the "office" lately. It's been a nice brake, I must admit -BUT, it has put a damper on my blogging. This week I will however be working my little tushie off due to a much needed vacation to Utah in a week! That's right friends - in one week from today I will be back in the coveted P-town for FIVE days! I am very excited. Due to my FIVE days off -spent in my "comfort zone", I'll be working as much as possible. So I'm sure something dramatic will happen this week. Sorry my blogging has been lame thus far.. hopefully a long week will produce something good. I will keep you posted!