So today was an exciting day at the office. I shouldn't have made a post earlier .... oh well! A lot of people make two posts in one day, right?!
haha. Well my mom went to her annual meeting with Corporate today and lets just say that things went great! I'm gonna get boring and business-
ee on everyone here for a moment but we're up 19 percent in sales from last year!!!!! That is A LOT. One of the other stores in AZ (there's about 30) is up 5 percent and the other stores have either
stayed the same or dropped from last year. So - naturally we are very excited for this jump in our business and 2010 is looking like it's gonna be a successful year. Something we've worked hard for.
On a semi different note.. something else happened today, something not so exciting but expected. An older
gentlemen came in tonight to pick up an order his wife made over the phone. He came in and instantly I could tell from his
demeanor that he was gonna be a little - shall I say - off. I greeted him, asked his name and went to get his pizza's. As I went to repeat his order to make sure we had got it , under his breath he says "she made a mistake". Instantly I thought "crap!
what did I do now?" So I said " I'm sorry, did I make a mistake?". I looked at his order again and repeated it again and he says.. "no my wife made the mistake, but typical for you to get defensive... just like all women". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?! How rude of him to say!!
Oohhhh k dude. Just cause you are obviously having issues with your marriage/wife do NOT lump me in with all women. Please. And thank you. I was just making sure that we did not give you the wrong pizza. I hate it when places have good customer service. It really puts a damper on things! Jeez.. Anyway, I was very angry and cussed him in my mind until he left the store. I can't believe some people sometimes.
That's just one of the many interesting
experiences I've had at the office. I can say though, however, that the first part of the day did
in fact weigh out the the latter part. You did not ruin my day sir. You fail. Sorry to say. And until we meet again - I hope you can start chipping away at that anger you have built up there on your shoulder. Good luck to you!